Corvay – From Clustermanagement to Consulting, Sales and Process Development
Corvay emerged in 2006 from the company BioRegioN, founded in 2002 as GmbH. Since 1996, Co-founder and later sole owner Dr. Albrecht Läufer represents the city-triangle Brunswick-Göttingen-Hanover in the federal research ministry’s Bioregio-competition with his large network of academia, industry and associations.
Until 2010 Clustermanagement was the core business; countless networking events were held successfully and almost 100 company foundations were accompanied on behalf of the country. Starting in 2006, consulting of biotech companies on a commercial basis was added, hence the rebranding to Corvay. In 2008 consulting of interim management followed: Business development for Rhein Biotech, Düsseldorf, and development management for Direvo IBT, Cologne.
2011 started an exciting era. On the basis of collected Experience in international management gained at Solvay Enzymes and Rütgerswerke, China and India moved into focus more and more. As regional director for a region that included Canada, Middle East, South Africa, Asia and Australia, and later co-founder and CEO of Vakzine Projekt Management GmbH (VPM), Dr. Läufer was also a member of various associations like VFA, DIB and lastly BIO Germany, the latter remaining until today. He then became Speaker for Biotechnology in the German-Chinese working group, which was founded to boost Collaboration between the BMWi and NDRC (National Development and Reform Commission) in Health and Biotechnology.
Market research for a Chinese biotechnology company, that produced long-chain dicarboxylic acids at large scale, led to a subsidiary company, named Corvay Specialty Chemicals, which is already well established in Europe as a commercial enterprise for di-acids DC10 (Sebacic acid), DC11 (Undecanedioic acid), DC12 (Dodecanedioic acid), DC13 (Tridecanedioic acid) and DC14 (Tetradecanedioic acid). Lately, we are expanding the business towards Vitamin D3 for food and feed as well as special enzymes.
The development management at Direvo resulted in the foundation of BluCon Biotech GmbH in Cologne; The investors at Direvo decided, not to proceed with Blucon® and tasked Läufer with the utilization of established know-how. The highly innovative topic was still at the laboratory stage when funding was found in China, rather than Europe, so Läufer founded BluCon Biotech in Cologne in 2017 together with his business partner Markus Fehr. Later, an investor from Hangzhou contributed and founded Depei Biotechnologies; Both companies being led by Läufer. 2019 the first pilot experiment for production of lactic acid from cellulose at cbm-scale was completed. The first factory is going to be constructed by 2022.
The next step for Corvay was to found Corvay Bioproducts GmbH, in Halle at the end of 2018, together with the company of another close business partner, Joachim Schulze. Once again a consultancy topic grew to a project and another company emerged. Corvay Bioproducts now develops processes for the production of specialities for the chemical industry from renewable resources with the goal to bring them into production with additional investors.
Last but not least, Corvay Consult was established in 2021, to unite all of the consulting services.
Corvay today is:
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